Computer Vision Algorithms

February, 2016


As part of a computer vision course that I took during my masters the weekly homeworks were about understanding image processing algorithms and writing the code to implement them without using any preexisting computer vision libraries.


I chose to write my software in C++ which can all be found here.

The functions implemented were:

  • Identifying Connected Regions
  • Morphological Operations
  • Histogram Equalization and Lighting Correction
  • Colour Segmentation
  • Canny Edge Detector
  • Hough Transform

Image Results of Tested Algorithms

Identifying connected regions and colouring each segment differently.
Using morphological operations to remove noise and fill in broken regions.
Histogram equalization and lighting correction.
Colour segmentation by training with an image of only skin.
Canny Edge Detection
Using the hough Transform to find lines that fit the edges.